Time to Write?

Time to write a reflection paper?

Do you know how to write a reflection paper?

Would a well-written example of a reflection paper help?

Do these questions resonate with your proficiency level?

If yes, you are in the right place.

We understand that reflection papers are major undertakings for students.

For this reason, we have crafted a reflection paper example that can act as an effective guide in all aspects of reflective writing.

Approaches to Reflective Thinking

Before you set out to write a reflection paper, it is important to understand the different reflective thinking approaches your paper can adopt.

A good example of a reflective paper should adopt either of the approaches, including:

1. Reflective thinking about course readings

This reflective thinking approach focuses on attentive thought about the course readings that are at the core of students’ acquisition of knowledge and understanding of the course’s subject.

Topics are viewed from numerous perspectives that support different ways of topic, event, issue, or phenomenon analysis.

In this, you should express your beliefs, feelings, and opinions about relevant research and its significance.

2. Reflective thinking about course experiences

This approach is more complex.

It requires you to critically reflect on your place within the conceptual intersection between theory and practice.

Also referred to as experiential reflection, it evaluates models or theories of a discipline based on your evaluation of the relationship between hypothetical thinking and practical reality.

You should examine how your skills and knowledge fit within your professional practice.

Using an Example of a Reflection Paper

A good example of a reflection paper will help you navigate the different elements of a reflection paper.

It will help you understand how to:

  1. Select a theme
  2. Use the right tone
  3. Connect your opinions
  4. Structure the paper

Whether it is a nursing reflective essay or a reflection essay in any field, the reflection paper example is applicable.

Example of a Reflection Paper

At the beginning of the course, I was not fully aware of the numerous complexities that influence Human Service Management. I had an idea of the prevailing challenges, but needed a deeper appreciation of their actual implications. My past experiences in community service as a volunteer have laid a foundation for the understanding of key processes, including planning, leadership, organizing, and control. However, introduction to the course made it clear that I needed nuanced knowledge about relationships between the entailed processes, and how to enhance their effectiveness. This class has helped me acquire insights in human services, and also enhanced my know-how in related fields. Researching for assignments throughout the semester has also increased my knowledge in the area. The course has shaped my understanding of human service management in areas such as the role of management, management intricacies, and potential career path.

Accordingly, the course has taught me to appreciate the role of management in the success of a Human Service Organization. Since management is the ultimate instrument in organizational planning, leadership, organizing, and control, it plays an important role in ensuring the success of the Human Service Organizations. It acts as the platform for coordination of various activities within an organization, where it incorporates key elements, including mission, vision, and goals. Further, management lays out strategies essential in the realization of the stipulated goals. By allocating various individuals different roles, it ensures that all members remain focused towards achievement of the set objectives. Management as well sets out mechanisms for the evaluation of organizational processes and the set goals. Additionally, it plays a key role in the establishment of respective organizational structures (Nieuwenhuizen & Barney, 2007). 

Through the course, I have learned about how management assumptions influence human service management. When designing human service management programs, it became apparent that different assumptions may result into distinctive approaches in the resolution of the identified problem. These assumptions entail explanations for the cause of social problems within a specific society; notably, a variety of explanations may elucidate the existence of a problem. For instance, substance abuse among the youth maybe associated with poverty, influence from the media, low levels of education, negative environment, or poor parenting. As such, based on respective assumptions, addressing substance abuse among the youth may require human service programs to adopt approaches such as creation of environment, sensitization campaigns, children and parents counseling, or rehabilitation of the living environment based on the perceived cause of substance abuse (Martin & Peter, 2010).

Further, it became lucid that deciding on the most appropriate approach and budgeting for it can be challenging. Designing human service programs is frustrating due to the various assumptions that define a problem. It became apparent that determining the most appropriate human service product was difficult, and therefore required in-depth research and wide consultation. Budgeting for the human service program also posed a major challenge to the delivery of the designated products. This is considering the fact that human service programs target considerable populations, and extensive resources are required in financing the respective projects. It became clear that securing such funds is usually grueling, particularly looking for appropriate sponsors and convincing them on the benefit of getting involved. Equally, appropriating the funds is difficult due to competing priorities (Nieuwenhuizen & Barney, 2007).      

In general, the course enhanced my knowledge in various areas of and issues in human services management. It was fulfilling to learn the nature of human systems, including an understanding of the individual, group, organizational, communal, and societal behavior and their respective interactions. I acquired great insights on the conditions that enhance or impair optimal human functioning and the respective deviations from normal functioning of human systems. In this, the ability to link causation with existing malfunctioning within human systems provided a better understanding of the most appropriate approaches towards resolving problems facing the human populations in question. As well, identifying and selecting the most appropriate intervention approaches, their planning, implementation, and evaluation was equally an enjoyable experience gained throughout the Human Service Management course (Martin & Peter, 2010).

The experience gained through the course polished my aspiration to pursue macro practice in Human Services Management. It became clear that my desire lied in working as a manager in a human service organization. The course has given me an assuring feeling that I have developed all the skills requisite in managing Human Service Organizations. This derives from studies in areas such as program development, proposal writing, supervision, planning, budgeting, and financial management. Although I had initially considered research as an alternative area in human service practice, I am now certain that management is the field best suited in helping fully realize my potential. This is because management offers an opportunity for direct interactions with problems facing of the wider population. As well, it illuminates the capacity of management of human service programs in changing the lives of individuals (Brody, 2005).    

Knowledge acquired in the Human Service Management course also informs my mentorship path. It has become clear that the most suitable professional to guide my practice would be someone with considerable experience in the management of human service organizations. I have realized that although studying Human Service Management may appear interesting, its practice may be quite challenging. Therefore, an appropriate mentor should have previously been involved in successful management of numerous human service projects. The professional should also have made adequate contributions in the Human Service Management academic field through efforts such as research and academic publications. This therefore would include academicians with high credentials and field experience as well. Such individuals would play an important role in helping identify the most pressing needs within a society and the most appropriate human service products to address the identified needs (Lewis, Thomas, & Michael, 2012). 

In future, I would like to advance my knowledge in community work. I believe that advanced knowledge in this field comes in handy when devising approaches designed to resolve most of the problems facing the larger society. Specifically, it offers the most suitable and comprehensive avenues for addressing poverty; a factor directly or indirectly associated with majority of the dysfunction in human systems within societies. This is in line with my belief that in addressing such problems, the root cause should be identified to help find lasting solutions. Therefore, as observed here above, the Human Service Management course has been a learning journey, where I have acquired essential skills in identifying needs among populations, deciding on the most appropriate approach in resolving the problems, and implementing the relevant human service programs and projects.

Reference List:

Brody, R. (2005). Effectively managing human service organizations. Thousand Oaks (Calif.): Sage.

Lewis, J.A., Thomas, R.P., & Michael, D.L. (2012). Management of human service programs. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole.  

Martin, L.L. & Peter, M.K. (2010). Measuring the performance of human service programs. Los Angeles: Sage.

Nieuwenhuizen, C. & Barney, E. (2007). Business management for entrepreneurs. Cape Town: Juta.

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