Why you Need a Good Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis encompasses a tentative guesses that predicts the relationship among distinctive variables. Generally, hypotheses can be categorized as either null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis entails a put-forward theory that the researcher seeks to use in advancing a particular line of argument or believes to be true. The alternative hypothesis on the other hand entails a statement about the results the research hypothesis seeks to establish. The research hypothesis plays some important roles that include:

a) It determines the appropriate research techniques. The research hypothesis is solely responsible for determining the most appropriate research techniques in relation to the set research objectives.


b) It defines the confines of the research study. The research hypothesis plays an important role in guiding the research by ensuring that it remains focused enough.


c) It as well provides for a theoretical approach in the research study. The hypothesis acts as the link between theory and research investigation.

Features of a Good Research Hypothesis

A good hypothesis is the difference between a scientific and a non-scientific research. It defines the validity of the research study. Per se, a good hypothesis is characterized by some features that encompass:

a)      It should be clear. There should be clarity in the hypothesis’ conceptual framework. It should be easy to understand, where it should use simple and appropriate language and terminology.


b) It should effectively predict the expected results. The hypothesis should be in a position anticipate what should be expected in the future regarding the problem under study.


c) It should be testable. It should be possible to subject the hypothesis to empirical testing. Its formulation must be informed by in-depth research, extensive observation, and verification.


d) It should be consistent and harmonious. In this, the research hypothesis should exhibit a relationship between research variables devoid of any contradictions.


e) The hypothesis should be founded on observable characteristics. It should be formulated based on research features and results that are observable.

The Right Approach when Formulating a Research Hypothesis

In formulating a good research hypothesis, various measures and steps could be observed. The type of research approach, that is, either qualitative or quantitative can influence hypothesis formulation. Formulation of research hypothesis could be categorized as either deductive or inductive. Nonetheless, the hypothesis formulation process could be defined by three main steps:

a) The first step entails coming up with the general hypothesis. In this step, the researcher is required to come up with a general relationship between respective research variables.


b) The second step is formulating the directional hypothesis. This step demands that the researcher refines the general hypothesis by stipulating the direction of defined relationship between variables.


c) The third and last step involves developing a measurable hypothesis. This as the final step entails ensuring that the hypothesis is in the right language by putting the directional hypothesis in more specific terms.

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