Genres of Academic Writing

Overview of Genres of Academic Writing The academics field is defined by different genres of writing. In some cases, these genres determine how different texts and text types should be used and structured. Proficiency in these genres therefore requires you to develop respective academic writing skills. Per se, a genre could be defined as a […]

Business Research Paper Topics

Business Research Paper Topics Overview  Business school is not business school without business research papers. When pursuing a business course, you are at some point guaranteed to come across business research papers as core examination tools. This is for all academic levels. Accordingly, business case studies just like business research papers are some of the most common assignments […]

The Business Strategy of Nike

Overview of Business Strategy Writing an essay, an essay report, or a case study on the business strategy of Nike is one of the common assignments in business school. When executing such assignments, you are required to demonstrate extensive knowledge about business strategies as well as Nike. Rightly, a business strategy can be viewed as a plan implemented by […]

How to Write an Essay Cover Page

Essay Cover Page An essay cover page provides essential information about the essay.   For this reason, academic and professional writing demands good skills on how to write a cover page. It is essential when it comes to how to write an essay. Note that the cover page is also referred to as the title […]